Press Release: Festive kickoff campus development big success for region 

On Wednesday, March 22, 2023, H20 hosted the official launch of the (e)sports Tech Campus. In the coming years, all participating partners will work on the campus development. The campus at De Koog should become the place in the (metropolitan) region where working, living, sports, learning, esports, tech and culture come together.

For the campus development, governments, entrepreneurs, education and (sports) institutions from the region are joining forces. All collaborating partners from Purmerend and the region signed a symbolic covenant to jointly give the (e)sports Tech Campus a flying start. Alderman Mario Hegger (Purmerend municipality): "I would like to thank all parties who have thought along and collaborated on the area vision and on the campus development immensely.

This is a milestone for the city. Here we are creating the new economy and the future for our young people. Not only in Purmerend, but for the entire region.' The partners are Spurd, the Sports Council, the PRO, PurmerValley, Horizon College and the Purmerendse ScholenGroep, municipality of Edam-Volendam, Metropoolregio Amsterdam, province of North Holland, the Hogeschool van Amsterdam, House of Esports and H20, the host of the event.

Area vision and campus
At the end of February, the area vision for De Koog was adopted by the Purmerend municipal council. With the covenant, the partners are taking the next step toward campus development. Project leader Marcella Wiffrie of the municipality explains, "It is good to celebrate the steps we have already taken to get here. I am immensely proud of the process so far and invite all entrepreneurs to join us in seizing the opportunities that will arise here in the coming years. We will get the best results if we put our shoulders to the wheel together.

One of the starting points for the area vision is that current companies on De Koog can continue their business operations. In addition, the municipality sees room for adding housing and thus transforming the business park into a working/living area. Exactly how this will look will become clear in the coming years. The municipality and other parties will investigate this together in the coming period and further implement the area vision per sub-area on De Koog.

Harm-Jan Stalman is program manager Purmerend 2040 at the municipality and said, "Purmerend's ambition is to be a compact but complete town. This also requires employment and De Koog is really a growth area in the city in that respect. I see De Koog in 2040 as a versatile area where children discover and develop their talents.' 


Edam-Volendam also ambassador for Campus

Alderman Vincent Tuip was allowed to sign on behalf of the municipality of Edam-Volendam: 'the municipality of Edam-Volendam embraces the initiative of the campus and already cooperates a lot with the partners in H20 through, for example, the LEF program. We see opportunities 

in collaboration with (elite) sports and new digital technologies that go along with it. But also encouraging innovative programs between campus and education (through Triad and Don Bosco College) for more learning and work opportunities for young people in Edam-Volendam.'

A number of projects are currently underway with the Don Bosco College. For example, in the first year the VMBO students get an introduction to all kinds of new technologies such as streaming, VR, Augmented Reality, metaverse, programming and design thinking. In addition, 1st and 2nd year students receive a course in learning programming, which is done through various games and gaming techniques. And in 3rd grade - when students have chosen a profile, e.g. construction or healthcare - they are taught Virtual Reality and really get to work in the virtual world. 


In the coming years it is important to improve the public transport connection between De Koog and Edam-Volendam so that young people and employees of the campus, many of whom live in Edam-Volendam, can reach their destinations better and faster. This also applies to improving east-west (fast) bicycle connections.