H20 Esports Campus and BrainsFirst launch innovative talent development partnership!

With the introduction of the NeurOlympics assessments at H20, gamers, athletes and professionals have the opportunity to discover their cognitive skills and talents through gamification.

This collaboration is an important step in combining gaming, science and personal development.

Visitors to the H20 Esports Campus can now participate in the BrainsFirst NeurOlympics, a series of science-based games that provide insight into working memory, stress resistance, spatial awareness and mental flexibility.







What is the NeurOlympics?
The NeurOlympics consists of four games, each measuring a specific aspect of cognitive ability;

  1. Working memory and focus: receive information on skills such as anticipation, imperturbability and attention.
  2. Stress Resilience and Spatial Awareness: Discover how you perform under pressure and interpret your environment.
  3. Reaction time and mental flexibility: How quickly and effectively can you switch between tasks.
  4. Attention Shift and Information Processing: Gain insight into how accurately and efficiently you process information.

After playing the various games, you will receive a Brain Profile, which is a summary of unique cognitive abilities.

Versatile offerings
It's not just aimed at gamers! Thanks to extensive reporting capabilities, the assessments also offer value for a variety of purposes, such as;

  • Cognitive reports
  • Behavioral reports
  • Career Reports
  • Study choice reports (coming soon)

Future-oriented partnership
''With NeurOlympics, we are bringing an innovative and science-based way of talent development to our campus through gaming and gamification,'' said Matthijs Vink.

Visit the BrainsFirst booth at H20
Visitors to H20 Esports Campus can now try out the BrainsFirst booth and discover their own Brain Profile. Want to learn more or request a quote? Visit h20.gg/brainsfirst/