Frits Dix gets into esports and gaming and with that the financing of H20 esports is complete

Purmerend entrepreneur Frits Dix (Director of NMT Shipping) enters the world of gaming and esports through a participation in H20 esports BV. The ambitious plans of H20 esports thus become reality. The investment completes the financing of the first esports stadium in The Netherlands. The demolition of the current sports hall De Koogmolen at the Spinnekop 1-2 in Purmerend has been completed. The rebuilding is about to start. 

A new world, a new market

Frits Dix: "When I was approached by Matthijs Vink, one of the initiators, my interest was aroused immediately. Every day I see young people around me only on their mobile phones, on social media or for gaming. When I heard the plans, it was clear to me that this is not just a market that is growing fast. H20 ( also offers great opportunities for young people in and around Purmerend and Waterland, which I also find very important. I also enjoy helping young entrepreneurs with the experience that I have gained as an entrepreneur.

Esports Stadium Amsterdam

Matthijs Vink (H20): 'Initially, we only focused on the campus next to the sports hall. On the ground floor of this campus we wanted to use esports and gaming elements as part of the campus. However, after a number of trips abroad, we saw several large gaming clubs and also stadiums where people come to watch competitive gaming (esports). From that moment on, we raised our ambitions and the sports hall fitted in perfectly. However, this was a big challenge financially. We then approached Frits Dix. He immediately reacted positively and that gave us the right move to continue. 

Developing the next generation

Matthijs continues: 'As time went on, the plans became better and more professional. Partly due to the input and experience of Frits. The beginning is always difficult. Certainly in this new world that still has to grow in the Netherlands. With the investment of Frits the financing of the esports stadium is now complete. In phase two of our business plan we will tackle the campus in the coming months. The focus is now on starting up the esports activities. Our mission is 'developing the next generation through gaming and esports'.